Colorado State Fire Chiefs

Fire Service Leaders Working Together

Latest News

CSFC Legislative Session Bill Tracker:

Thanks to all who participated in FLC Program Planning

Mark your calendars to be at Fire Leadership Challenge 2025, Oct. 20-24, in Keystone, Colorado. We have a great team of leaders hard at work on another outstanding program. More details to come!

Upcoming Events

The next Legislative Call is on March 6th. Click below to get the Zoom link and join the conversation!

2024-25: The Colorado Fire Service: Career, Combination & Volunteer

The Colorado Fire Service: Career, Combination & Volunteer – Protecting the Citizens, the Economy & the Environment of Coloradowas created as a way to help the Colorado General Assembly better understand the depth and complexity of what today’s fire service does as well as the costs of apparatus, equipment, PPE and operations and the need for sustainable annual reoccurring revenue.

If you would like to request a printed copy please reach out to

Live Wildfire Ready: Awareness Campaign

Help spread the word in your community about how to #LiveWildfireReady. Go to for tips and resources everyone can use to protect their home and property from wildfire.

If your organization provides information on how residents can reduce wildfire risk, please fill out this form to add your organization to the list of local resources on the Live Wildfire Ready website ( The form should take less than minute to complete.

CSFC: Working For You

Colorado State Fire Chiefs membership is made up of fire service leaders, companies and enthusiasts. Our leadership works hard on Capitol Hill supporting fire service legislation and provide educational opportunities throughout the year. Our Critical Issues Briefings are held quarterly to discuss and tackle current issues and our annual conference, Fire Leadership Challenge, brings together leaders from all around the Rocky Mountain region offering National keynote speakers, officer development programs and almost 100 fire service vendors.

Join today and see how we can help you!

CSFC Legislative Representation Provided by Meridian Public Affairs

CSFC Legal Counsel Provided by Ireland Stapleton

Upcoming Events