Metro Chiefs

Metro Chiefs Meetings

Meeting Dates for 2025 are the 3rd Friday’s of the odd months as follows:

March 21, May 16, July 18, September 19, and November 21

In-person and Virtual Options
Legacy Ridge Golf Course Grill 10801 Legacy Ridge Parkway, Westminster, CO

The cost of breakfast is $20 ($10 for retired) for the buffet. Please pay online via PayPal below.

Payment for Dues and Breakfast Meetings

Breakfast Options
Member name
Annual Dues + Breakfast Options
Annual Dues
Member name

Metro Chiefs Officers

For additional questions, please reach out the following officers:
Chairman: Chief Desmond Fulton, Denver Fire Department,
Vice-Chair: Division Chief Scott Richardson, South Metro Fire Rescue,
Treasurer: Chief Alec Oughton, Aurora Fire Rescue,