Our next meeting will be on Friday, January 13 starting at 13:00 MST.
Join the meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84591088610?pwd=MnI1bHRrZkdzNlRDYlp1eWU5TVVUUT09
Meeting ID: 845 9108 8610, Passcode: 521173
Our greatest strength is the size of our section and the breadth of knowledge and experience. I hope you’ll each take time to review and start commenting on this Colorado Fire Chief Resource Guide. Add notes of things you’ve learned. Add notes of subject matter experts that could help if someone else encounters a problem. Build up the collective knowledge that exists in our state.
Communicate back how State Chiefs can support your agency. Is it pushing for legislation? Is it fighting against certain legislation? Is it securing new or shoring up existing revenue streams? Is it offering training and support? How can the group support your agency, or what do you have to offer to the group?
Help identify regional contacts. There are agencies in the various corners of our state that are not on our radar. They may be 100% volunteer, never represented at FLC or Critical Issues, but have the same mission and challenges we all face. Help us identify some key contacts in various regions who can help bring these partners to the table. We all understand span of control – let’s identify who can help champion this cause across the state.